Texas Tech Football Notebook: Joey McGuire Preseason Opening Press Conference

Want to know how out of practice I am? I sort of forgot that there would be a presser before practice started today. I can’t summarize 1:18 of video, but I will non-transcript Joey McGuire’s statements. As you may recall, a non-transcript is me typing as fast as I can to get the general idea of what’s being said and these are not direct quotes. The parts in brackets [] are the general idea of the question.

Not only did McGuire speak, but so did defensive coordinator Tim DeRuyter, offensive coordinator Zach Kittley, and special teams and running back coach Kenny Perry.

  • Start practice in the morning and have never been more excited. Very talented and great people and humans. We moved into the south end zone and it is incredible. Had Women Behind the Brand, 780 participants, and they got to see new facility. Never been a better time to be a Red Raider. Very excited to coach this team.
  • [Offensive line] Will be all camp. For a 315 guy, Sterling Porcher ran 20 mph the other day and tweaked his hamstring so we’ll slow him up, don’t want to mess with left guard, center and right tackle positions, so Caleb Rogers will play left tackle because Sterling will be back next week. Davion Carter can play right guard, Davion can play center and Caleb has to play enough right guard to get enough reps. Have a month to sort it out. Would like 2 weeks with those guys together.
  • [The Program] We are on year 3 and they do such a good job, all military action and special forces, talking through the team leaders and team chemistry. Stresses the whole team, Bralyn Lux, Josh Kelly, led groups. Had guys that are leaders but not seen as a total team leader. Sometimes they have to be more vocal. Builds comradery, it is difficult and different.

  • [Position battles] running back, Cam’Ron Valdez and Cameron Dickey. The tight end, with Jalin Conyers, he’s been back for a month and he could play wildcat quarterback, right end, fullback, receiver. Micah Hudson is back, who does he go after? Secondary is set CJ Baskerville at boundary safety and Bralyn Lux at corner. AJ McCarty is back and add him and has started games. One of the corners and the 2 safety spots about who will be starters. Our first year Boog and Tony played over 700 snaps, that was 560 snaps than anyone else. Have 7 defensive tackles. there’s a lot of competition on this team.
  • [South end zone reaction by recruits] Our fans come out on game 1 and see the south end zone, they will be blown away. Along with the Womble and we can compete with anyone. Bringing the football complex together and can go to 5 different fields without having to bus makes it a unique situation.
  • [AJ McCarty and Brenden Jordan at Star] We’re going to let those 2 guys battle it out. Chapman Lewis is starting free safety. Want Brenden Jordan and AJ to fight it out. They both had good summers, feel good about Chappy and Macho Stevens does he push to be the 4th corner and Devynn Cromwell to be a free safety. The biggest competition is what does the secondary look like past the starter. Javeon Wilcox playing boundary safety and back-up CJ.
  • [Turnover of the roster] We feel really good, there are 10 or less guys that are here when I first got here. This is, whether the transfer portal, this is our roster and we are excited. We’ve had to add a junior college offensive lineman and transfer portals. Most offensive linemen figure it out the 3rd year, our o-line guys are still babies. Dylan Shaw is #2 left guard. Danny Sills will play guard and tackle. Overall, feel good about this team. The key is keeping the quarterback healthy, if you think through, we win 2 more games if a healthy Morton. Key is keeping quarterback healthy, he’s ready to roll tomorrow and mindset and are going to work through camp to put him in situations where he has to throw the ball away and he takes hits he doesn’t need to take.
  • [Biggest impact position group] I think the o-line, it is there but the o-line has to make a jump. And the secondary, they have to grow up. For us to play meaningful games in November, our offensive skill has to be who they are supposed to be. Most dramatic part of this team will be the offensive scheme.
  • [South end zone] Moved in last week and Caleb Rogers is blown away, every guy are blown away. Our first meeting will be field level on the south end zone. It ups the ante and it is a good thing. C.J. Ah You says pressure is a privilege and there is pressure on us to be better.

  • [Restrictions on Behren Morton] No restrictions. We’re going in and he did a great job building it up and we increased the pitch count all week. It starts with me and Kittley and play calls and checking down is a good thing. Clay McGuire have to do a good job protecting him and the running backs and tight ends. Starts with me and Kit and getting Behren to understand that 1 yard is not as important as not playing unless to win the game.
  • [Micah Hudson] Very hungry, one of the most unique people I’ve been around. There’s a chip on his shoulder. Understands hype and expectations. He wants to prove us right, there will be a chip on his shoulder to prove who he is. He is at 194 pounds and really excited about what he will do.
  • If he was not so mature I might feed the expectations more. There was something on social media something with Warrick Dunn who was so good and sent it to him and he said “I gotcha coach”. His maturity level can handle it.
  • [Josh Kelly wearing #3] When I got to the school at Waco, Taylor Young played linebacker, Rhule took the numbers away, Young said he would get the number back. When Kelly was told the story about the #3 and he might not be in that jersey, he said he’d be in #3 by the end of the camp. He’s an alpha, Josh is more outspoken, their mindset is that they are the best player on the football field.

  • [Receiver room] Kittley and Juice have a lot of things to work through, Miller, Conyer can play at different positions. Caleb Douglas at X, Kelly at Y, Eakin at Z. Drae McCray can play outside and inside, Kelly can play inside and outside, and Micah is going to work inside. Brady Boyd and Jordan Brown can play any position. Kelby Valsin and TJ West had good springs and guys that can stretch the field. A lot more athletic and longer overall at that position.
  • [120 roster] Next year will be 105. Going to be interesting and close to our number, with the incoming freshman class have 2 or 3 spots, that will put us at 19, that’s probably 5 to 6 lower than last 3 years because we’ve signed so many freshmen, there will be a crunch. Glad they decided on that number. If one of our guys gets hurt we can’t sign guys off the street, guys trying to redshirt and had 51 healthy players against UT. I’ll always carry 4 quarterbacks, but there will be competition.
  • [Porcher] Out for a week or so, won’t put him through 1-on-1, have done MRI and he’s good, just not ready to go full speed.
  • [Injuries] Dingle in a yellow jersey, still a shoulder, don’t want to put him at contact until 100% and keep him in a yellow jersey. Really healthy.
  • [Hudson full go] Yes.
  • [#6 on defense] Mostly in that linebacker room, Curry, Dingle and Macho will ask. Justin Horne, as well.
  • [Isaac Smith] Sometimes we forget about Isaac Smith and played so well against OU and Ole Miss. We missed his toughness. He has had a great summer. About 18 to 20 guys go and one of the instructors, and the alpha male is Smith. Fully back and can play field and boundary end. Start at boundary end. He’s about 255 to 258 pounds. He’s ready to go. He was a boat leader along with Mason Tharp, they were more vocal was good to see. I’m glad he’s back.
  • [Athletic department in the Big 12] We’ve got a great opportunity, McCasland has done a great job, Krista has too, I was fired up about the pitcher, but got players from different areas from the softball team. There’s a huge opportunity in softball. I think we have been 3-3 through the first 6 games both years. We have to get started fast and 5 of the first 7 are at home, this is going to be a very exciting team. you get to be the first group of fans to see the south end zone and that wil lhelp us be the team in the Big 12. Just focus on being 1-0 and focus on being on time. We will have a long meeting and being locked in and be where your feet are.
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