The Morning Stake | 2020.06.02

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Lubbock In The Loop. Check out Lubbock In The Loop for a list of Lubbock restaurants that offer curbside delivery.
Podcasts. Check out your guys, Spencer and Michael, on 23 Personnel Podcast, a Texas Tech athletics podcast where food and sports clash at the goal line, as well as Keith Patrick and Dinger Derby, the only, yes only, podcast about Texas Tech baseball.

I was thinking about the deal we made yesterday. I told you that I’d be there for you and your kids and you would be there for me and my kids to correct bad actors treating other humans poorly. I think this is a good deal that we’re making and I’d like to take this one step further. Part of making this deal is that it is a bit ambiguous and it’s not concrete. What I’ve been thinking about  doesn’t involve protesting or donating money or anything like that. That’s your call to do that or not.

The next time that you are around someone that tells a racist joke, make a point to stop that behavior. If/when that happens, tell them that you have a friend, Seth, and you can tell them about my kids (feel free to show them pictures of my kids, they’re almost always one of the first few pictures on my Twitter) and that because we’re friends and because we made a deal, that racists jokes aren’t going to happen any more.

Something as small as this can change the trajectory of your friend, their kids, and so much more. We’re duty bound to do this for each other, but this is part of our agreement. I’m going to do it for you whether you like it or not.

The Mercury News’ Jon Wilner writes about how an infectious disease expert, George Rutherford, thinks programs can play on Saturdays.

According to Rutherford, it takes three days for someone who has been exposed to the virus to start shedding it (i.e., become contagious).

So testing players 72 hours before kickoff (Wednesday afternoon or evening) would be ideal for Saturday games.

At the same time, an exposed individual could become contagious 36 hours after testing negative — so testing only on Wednesday wouldn’t be enough.

Players would need to be tested again Saturday morning, Rutherford said, to ensure that no viral shedding would occur on game day from players who tested negative in the middle of the week.

(The timing of the Saturday tests would depend on the turnaround time for results and the kickoff time.)

“From a physiological standpoint, you’d need to do it as close to the game as possible,’’ he said.

Test them Wednesday afternoon, test them again Saturday morning — and the windows for contagion should be slammed shut on game day.

Wilner also projects the cost and thinks that the number of tests required would be $450,000 from August through November, which is 0.6% of the total annual revenue for most Power Five programs. I think it is helpful to start to consider how and when tests will happen and I think it is also important to consider when the testing will occur.

We had not heard a statement from head coach Chris Beard. Beard and the rest of the Big 12 coaches took part in this video that was released today.

In addition to this, but Beard and some players took part in the silent march last night in Lubbock.

Via AFCA Insider had head strength and conditioning coach Dave Scholz on their podcast and discussed how has dealt with the quarantine and how he’ll help players return and how to move forward.

This has nothing to do with Texas Tech, but does touch on sports and I thought it was humorous. Via the AP, a judge ruled yesterday that former MLB outfielder Lenny Dykstra’s defamation lawsuit against former teammate Ron Darling was dismissed because his reputation was already so tarnished that it could not be damaged more.

“It is only to say that Dykstra’s reputation for unsportsmanlike conduct and bigotry is already so tarnished that it cannot be further injured by the reference,” Kalish said in a decision issued Friday.

“Based on the papers submitted on this motion, prior to the publication of the book, Dykstra was infamous for being, among other things, racist, misogynist, and anti-gay, as well as a sexual predator, a drug-abuser, a thief, and an embezzler,” Kalish wrote.

“The nature and seriousness of Dykstra’s criminal offenses, which include fraud, embezzlement, grand theft, and lewd conduct and assault with a deadly weapon, and notably the degree of publicity they received, have already established his general bad reputation for fairness and decency far worse than the alleged racially charged bench-jockeying in the reference could,” the judge wrote.

Imagine being such a terrible human being with such a terrible reputation that your defamation lawsuit is dismissed.

Here are some tweets.

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