A match made in heaven
Preparations for Return to Sports | 23 Personnel Podcast – 148
Intro Find us on Twitter (@23Personnel, @puntssuck, @Michael_LBK) Find us on The Gram! (https://www.instagram.com/23personnelpodcast/) Merch/tshirt store (https://teespring.com/stores/23-personnel-podcast?) Thank You to STP readers who donated Basketball Ramsey Declares for Draft https://twitter.com/newanimprovedJR/status/1254157496844980224/photo/1 VCU Forward Marcus Santos-Silva https://www.stakingtheplains.com/2020/04/29/vcu-forward-marcus-santos-silva-transfer-to-texas-tech/ Baseball MLB Draft officially 5 rounds Announced transfers: C Bo Willis. 6 games, .250 avg INF Jared Cushing; 5 […]
Andrei Savrasov Enters the Transfer Portal
Is the roster set?
The Morning Stake | 2020.05.15
Your daily dose of all things Texas Tech athletics.