Eats & Bounds: Lubbock Concerts, Events, & TTU Sports – 11/23/17

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope your day is filled with food, football, and good company. For those reasons, this has become one of my favorite holidays.

Christmas music may commence tomorrow.


I’m a pretty big fan of Steven Raichlen, and that may have started a few years ago when we cut cable for a while forcing me to become familiar with PBS programming. I made this smoked turkey recipe last year on my old charcoal/gas combo that wasn’t really a smoker, and it still turned out great. You brine it with salt, peppercorns, onion, clove, bay leaves, maple syrup, and bourbon. One tip that he left out of the online recipe that he mentioned on his show was to inject the bird with melted butter. I’m looking forward to seeing how it’ll go on the Traeger.

Since I follow Raichlen on social media, he’s always posting recipes. This one for smoked pecans caught my eye, so I’m going to give it a go.

As for the rest of the menu, we’re covered on several fronts thanks to my wife and my mom: dressing, mashed potatoes, broccoli rice & cheese casserole, pumpkin pie, homemade cranberry sauce, and chocolate chess pie.

What’s on your menu for the big day?


A few of the upcoming Lubbock happenings (see calendar for more):

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