The Morning Stake: August 11th

Photo via Kimberly Vardeman @ Flickr

New Campus Photos

Totall Texas Tech’s TTURed has posted some new and terrific campus photos, continuing to follow the renovations to Jones AT&T Stadium and the SPC.


The soccer team was picked to finish 2nd in the Big 12 season and this season very much come down between West Virginia.


Not sure if true as C.J. Williamson has since deleted this Tweet, but here you go.

LAJ’s Krista Pirtle writes about the questions the basketball team had after Tubby Smith left for Memphis.

His teammates, a group that usually cracks plenty of jokes and brings life to any room it enters, were just as solemn.

Their glances went from their phones to random places around the room as if someone magically had the perfect answer or the solution would be revealed on one of the white walls.

Tubby Smith, the coach most of them were recruited by and the man they put their trust in to lead the way, was moving on to Memphis.

RRS’s Will McKay interviewed point guard Gio McLean:

Q: Why do you think everyone on this team, whether a returner or newcomer, has bonded together so well so quickly?

“No egos. There aren’t any. At this stage, there should be a whole lot of egos, cause everyone really wants to pursue a career in basketball after this. But, on this team, there are no egos. Everyone buys in, and everyone works, hard, and that’s what I’ve loved about it. It was a great decision for me to come here.”


Rest in peace. LAJ’s Don Williams reports that former Red Raider footballer Tom Wilson passed away yesterday. Wilson was the quarterback during the Donny Anderson era and I’d ask you to read Williams’ article. It’s terrific. Wilson contributed big-time and he will be missed.

Miscellaneous . . . Heartland College Sports ranks the most overrated and underrated Big 12 teams and the Red Raiders are underrated . . .

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